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Effectively Communicating the Benefits of Decision Analysis to Executives
Presented by Jennie Rice (MDM Consulting) at 2003 DAAG Conference in Houston. This talk summarizes the results of surveys of executives on the use of DA (or lack of use).

A Structured Process for Developing a Performance Confirmation Plan for the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Repository
Presented by Tim Nieman (Geomatrix Consultants) at 2003 DAAG Conference in Houston. This talk discusses the use of multi-criteria concepts to develop a portfolio of performance confirmation activities.

Application of Attrition to Resource Forecasts
Presented by Bill Reid (GlaxoSmithKline) at 2003 DAAG Conference in Houston. This talk discusses a method of accounting for attrition in portfolio planning which uses information normally readily available and models attrition the way it happens.

Use of a DA Process to Develop a Petroleum Upstream Fiscal and Regulatory Regime
Presented by Tony Kenck (ChevronTexaco) at 2003 DAAG Conference in Houston. This talk discusses the failed attempt to use DA framing to negotiate fiscal terms, and lessons learned.

Multi-Criteria Tools and DA
Presented by Paul Davis (ChevronTexaco) at 2003 DAAG Conference in Houston. This talk discusses the use of multi-criteria approaches and visualization using Criterium software.

Application of Game Theory to Business Decisions
Presented by Christine Clarke (CCS Incite) at 2003 DAAG Conference in Houston. This talk discusses the use of game theory in business decisions and contrasts it to traditional decision analysis.

Of Space Shuttles, Legal Logic, and Decisions
Presented by Tom Spradlin (Confident Choices) at 2003 DAAG Conference in Houston. Keynote address at the conference discussing the importance of focusing on decisions and logic, including illustrations where DA can be key to cleaning up ubiquitous decision mistakes.

How to Value Imperfect Information
Presented by Ron Allred and Jon Anker (ConocoPhillips) at 2003 DAAG Conference in Houston. Provides and overview of value-of-information methods, with trees and simulation.

Are You Sure Your Proof of Concept Studies Add Value?
Presented by David Swank and Lee Hodge (GlaxoSmithKline) at 2003 DAAG Conference in Houston. Provides and overview of value-of-information methods applied to proof-of-concept studies in pharma.

Value of Imperfect Information with a Risk Adverse Decision Maker
Presented by Brian Putt (Chevron) at 2003 DAAG Conference in Houston. Provides and overview of value-of-information methods where the decision maker is risk averse.

IT Projects are Like Other Investments
Presented by Jerry Lieberman (Decision Strategies) at 2003 DAAG Conference in Houston. This talk explores learnings from two recent IT project experiences and how IT projects can and should be evaluated like other investment decisions.

Supporting Scenario Driven Business Cases at Kodak
Presented by Gary Brauer (Kodak) at 2003 DAAG Conference in Houston. Discussion of how to build business cases through use of scenarios, including risk analysis and supporting software.

Global Optimization of Portfolio: Therapeutic Area Considerations
Presented by Vish Viswanathan (Johnson & Johnson) at 2003 DAAG Conference in Houston. Illustrates importance of considering dependencies in portfolio analysis, including those due to economies of scale and scope.

Managing an R&D Portfolio Process in Real Time
Presented by Jay Andersen (Eli Lilly) at 2003 DAAG Conference in Houston. Discussion of changing the portfolio process from the usual cyclic update to being able to update real time as needed.

Value-Driven Portfolios
Presented by James Felli (Eli Lilly) at 2003 DAAG Conference in Houston. Discusses one method of portfolio construction that allows an organization’s goals to be mapped directly into an appropriate set of relative measures to facilitate the determination of an optimal mix of portfolio elements.

Life Cycle Management as a Portfolio: A Case History
Presented by D. Charlesworth (Decision Strategies) at 2003 DAAG Conference in Houston. Discusses how a combination of portfolio analysis and project tools were successfully used with a multi-discipline team to quickly develop a life cycle management strategy for a recently launched compound.

DA + VE Tools Do Make a Difference
Presented by Charles Jennings (BP) at 2002 DAAG Conference in Las Vegas. Discussion of processes at BP and how they add value to the organization.

Decision Analysis Application and Patterns at Boehringer Ingelheim
Presented by Jessica Hayden and Jim Keirns (Boehringer Ingelheim) at 2002 DAAG Conference in Las Vegas. Discussion of processes at BP and how they add value to the organization.

Patterns in Oil E&P VOI Decisions
Presented by Peter Cunningham (Decision Frameworks) at 2002 DAAG Conference in Las Vegas. Discussion of Value of Information situations and basic analysis process applied to E&P problems.

Patterns in Pharma DA - An Example from Abbott Labs
Presented by Steven Kuemmerle (Abbott Labs) at 2002 DAAG Conference in Las Vegas. Discussion of DA processes and value drives at Abbott Labs.

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