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Knowledge Content Library

Client Decision Education at General Motors
Presented by E. Smith (General Motors) at 1998 DAAG Conference in San Francisco. Overview of client decision education processes in General Motors.

Killing Off Your Company through Portfolio Analysis
Presented by Bill Haskett (Unocal) at 1998 DAAG Conference in San Francisco. A tongue-in-cheek view of the steps involved with portfolio analysis.

Improving Decision Making in an Organization
Presented by John Palmer and Jim Aitken (General Motors) at 1998 DAAG Conference in San Francisco. Overview of decision processes used by Powertrain at General Motors.

Organizational Aspects Impacting Adoption of Quality Decision Making
Presented by F. Rolle (DuPont) at 1998 DAAG Conference in San Francisco. Overview of factors and challenges affecting implementation and adoption of decision practices in DuPont.

Portfolio Strategy Selection Under Uncertainty
Presented by Brian Putt (Chevron) at 1998 DAAG Conference in San Francisco. A discussion of ways to identify growth strategies in the upstream oil business that are consistent with company portfolio opportunities, objectives and risk preferences using a quantitative model.

Project Selection of an Aluminum Alloy
Presented by (General Motors) at 1998 DAAG Conference in San Francisco. Describes the decision process for choosing an aluminum alloy and the key role of tornado diagrams in the analysis.

Thinking of Values at Lilly
Presented by Tom Spradlin (Eli Lilly) at 1998 DAAG Conference in San Francisco. Overview of strategy development at Lilly and the use of value focused thinking to inform that strategy.

To Expand DA, Adopt a High-Tech Marketing Strategy
Presented by James Mitchell (Nova Gas) at 1998 DAAG Conference in San Francisco. Discusses the adoption of DA in a company and how the issues you will face are similar to marketing to adopters of high-tech.

Handbook of Decision Analysis
by Gregory S. Parnell, Terry A. Bresnick, Steven N. Tani, Eric R. Johnson (SDP Fellows)
Fills a gap in decision analysis literature, featuring both soft personal/interpersonal skills and the hard technical skills involving mathematics and modeling.
continue to: amazon.com

Value Focused Thinking
by Ralph Keeney (SDP Fellow)
A classic in the field of Decision Analysis, and for anyone seeking to make better decisions.
continue to: amazon.com

Decision Analysis for the Professional
by John Celona and Peter McNamee (SDP Fellows)
You can purchase on Amazon or download a free copy of this book in PDF format by clicking below.
continue to: smartorg.com

Why Can't You Just Give Me the Number?
by Patrick Leach (SDP Fellow)
Updated 2nd edition. An executive's guide to using probabilistic thinking to manage risk and to make better decisions.
continue to: amazon.com

Making Hard Decisions
by Robert T. Clemen (SDP Fellow) and Terence Reilly
Updated 3rd edition, with software and tutorials in Palisade's DecisionTools Suite.
continue to: cengagebrain.com

Smart Choices: A Practical Guide to Making Better Life Decisions
by John Hammond, Ralph Keeney (SDP Fellow), Howard Raiffa
An easy-to-read and practical guide to making better life decisions.
continue to: amazon.com

Game Theory for Business: A Primer in Strategic Gaming
by Paul Papayoanou (SDP Fellow)
A practical guide to the incorporation of gaming elements into business decision making.
continue to: amazon.com

The Smart Organization: Creating Value through Strategic R&D
by David Matheson and Jim Matheson (SDP Fellows)
Deriving the most benefit from making quality decisions following the methodology of the Stanford school of DA.
continue to: amazon.com

Decision Quality: Value Creation from Better Business Decisions
by Carl Spetzler (SDP Fellow), Hannah Winter, and Jennifer Meyer (SDP Fellow)
Add value with every decision using a simple yet powerful framework
continue to: amazon.com

Making Good Decisions
by Reidar B. Bratvold and Steve Begg (SDP Fellows)
Best seller in the Society of Petroleum Engineers community.
continue to: store.spe.org

The Principles and Applications of Decision Analysis (the "Blue Books")
by Ronald A. Howard and James Matheson (SDP Fellows)
Classic reference, 2 volumes. The link below will take you to the Amazon link, and to a full description with links to some of the chapters.

Creating a Culture of Profitability
by Rob Kleinbaum (SDP Fellow) and Aviva Kleinbaum
Culture matters. Everyone knows that. But now something can be done about it.
continue to: amazon.com

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