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Knowledge Content Library

Keep the Bath Water Too: Value Beyond the Strategy Product
Presented by Sabrina Watkins, Paul McNutt, Laine Summers (Conoco) at 2000 DAAG Conference in Calgary. Discussion of strategy development and value in E&P in Conoco.

Instructional Requirements for Practitioners of Decision Analysis: A Descriptive Study
Presented by Richard Justice (Eli Lilly) at 2000 DAAG Conference in Calgary. Descriptive study of skills needed by practitioners of decision analysis, based on a survey of literature and a pilot-study of practitioners of DA using an internet-based survey.

Facilitation Session
Presented at 2000 DAAG Conference in Calgary. Notes from a conference session on facilitation.

Evaluating the Cost-Effectiveness of Alternatives
Presented by James Felli (Naval Postgraduate School) at 2000 DAAG Conference in Calgary. Discussion of cost and effectiveness as a problem of trade-offs.

Decision Coaching: Implementing and advancing corporate decision-making abilities
Presented by Peter Cunningham and Sabrina Watkins (Conoco) at 2000 DAAG Conference in Calgary. Examples of decision coaching sessions in Conoco to effect cultural change and organizational learning.

Decision Analysis Applied to Business Strategy Development Exxon Mobil Chemical
Presented by OJ Sanchez (ExxonMobil) at 2000 DAAG Conference in Calgary. Discussion of decision process at ExxonMobil with an example application.

An Emergency Facilitation: Decision Analysis as a Mediation Tool
Presented by Bill Haskett (Decision Strategies) at 2000 DAAG Conference in Calgary. Example of using DA facilitation as a mediation tool for an organization with procedural blocks to progress.

AT&T Consumer Long Distance Strategic Choices
Presented by Ann Skudlark (AT&T) at 2000 DAAG Conference in Calgary. Based on work by Amy Muller and Bob Kostelak. Discussion of strategy development at AT&T, including use of scenarios.

Valuing Decision Analysis
Presented by James Mitchell (TransCanada Pipelines) at 1999 DAAG Conference in Orlando. Overview of the sources of DA value, as an introduction to the conference session on Value of DA.

Value of DA at General Motors
Presented by E. Smith (General Motors) at 1999 DAAG Conference in Orlando. Discusses value of DA in General Motors, its impacts on Decision Quality and how GM operates as a learning organization.

Value of DA at Delta Express
Presented by Paulette Corbin (Delta) and Gerald Bush (Decision Strategies) at 1999 DAAG Conference in Orlando. Discussion of strategic decision on how to compete in low cost airline market while addressing internal issues.

Prospective Customer Application of Used Facilities
Presented by Sue Young (Conoco) at 1999 DAAG Conference in Orlando. A facilities divestiture by Conoco where the customer and Conoco agreed to cooperate using a DR&A process to ensure objectivity.

Pipe Procurement Project
Presented by Phil Kormann (TransCanada Pipelines) at 1999 DAAG Conference in Orlando. Case study of pipe procurement problem illustrating framing of the issue, the process, and key results.

Six Hats Application to Framing
Presented by (Conoco) at 1999 DAAG Conference in Orlando. Case study where Edward DeBono's Six Hats Theory was used to guide framing of a decision where agreement and clarity were lacking.

Modeling Multiple Attribute Decisions
Presented by T. Yocum (Conoco) at 1999 DAAG Conference in Orlando. Illustrates steps and issues in multiple attribute problems, with illustration to a car buying and a real project case.

Nested Strategy Tables
Presented by F. Rolle (DuPont) at 1999 DAAG Conference in Orlando. Illustrates the use of nested Strategy Tables for developing alternatives for complex strategies.

Parametric Modeling in Decision Analysis
Presented by Gerald Bush (Decision Strategies) at 1999 DAAG Conference in Orlando. Illustrates the use of parametric analysis of commodity pricing as an alternative to 10-50-90 assessments. The different perspective led to a different valuation and decision.

Analysis of Where to Hold DAAG
Presented by John Palmer (General Motors) at 1998 DAAG Conference in San Francisco. An analysis of where and when the Decision Analysis Affinity Group (DAAG) meeting should be held after the April 1998 SF meeting.

Assessing Ranges
Presented by John Palmer (General Motors) at 1998 DAAG Conference in San Francisco. Example of assessing ranges using P10, P50, P90, illustrating common biases and including suggestions for better elicitation processes.

Championing DA: The Front End of DA
Presented by Steve Woodruff (Chevron) at 1998 DAAG Conference in San Francisco. Overview of Chevron's Chevron Project Development and Execution Process (CPDEP).

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