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Knowledge Content Library

The ABCDs of Informal DA in Neighborhood Non-profits
Presented by Enrico Manlapig (Westmont College) at 2016 DAAG Conference in Banff. In this session on Societal and Non-Profit Decision Making, this talk discusses how DA helped a school board choose a new facility.

Supporting Landscape Level Planning and Management with DA-facilitated Integrated Science Modeling
Presented by Karen Jenni (USGS) and Tim Nieman (Decision Application) at 2016 DAAG Conference in Banff. In this session on Societal and Non-Profit Decision Making, this talk discusses the unique and interesting modeling and communication challenges associated with effective decision support in very large, complex multiple stakeholder situations.

DA for Financial Stability in a Conservation Org
Presented by Esteban Guerrero (SmartOrg) at 2016 DAAG Conference in Banff. In this session on Societal and Non-Profit Decision Making, this talk discusses how Portfolio Decision Analysis made a big dent in helping project champions understand and manage the complexity of debt swaps.

Bringing DEF Training to Kids in Your Life Through Corporate Partners
Presented by Amy Day (Decision Education Foundation) at 2016 DAAG Conference in Banff. In this session on Decision Analysis for Everyone, this talk discusses how DEF teamed up with Intel to teach essential decision skills to young people.

The Journey to Organizational Decision Quality
Presented by Raiffa-Howard Award recipients (Pfizer, Lilly, Chevron) at 2016 DAAG Conference in Banff. In this session on Corporate and Organizational Decision Quality (ODQ), this panel discussion is focused on the journey to ODQ with new award recipients sharing their perspective, learnings, and advice.

Exploring Management Options in the Grand Canyon w Formal Decision Analysis
Keynote address presented by Michael Runge (US Geological Survey) at 2016 DAAG Conference in Banff. This talk provides an example of how to use formal decision analysis methods in the context of an Environmental Impact Statement to integrate value judgments and scientific evidence in the evaluation of natural resource management alternatives.

From Controversy to Consensus: A multi-attribute decision analysis for decommissioning California’s offshore oil platforms
Presented by Max Henrion (Lumina Decision Systems) at 2015 DAAG Conference in Huntington Beach. In this session on Case Studies, this talk discusses how DA framing and modeling was used to find common ground for a controversial decision.

Building Decision Bench Strength
Session chaired by Ellen Coopersmith and Tyler Ludlow at 2015 DAAG Conference in Huntington Beach. This panel session explores how different companies build their internal decision analysis "armies".

Improving decision quality: one decision at a time
Presented by Karen Sepucha (Health Decision Sciences Center - Massachusetts General Hospital) at 2015 DAAG Conference in Huntington Beach. This keynote speech discusses the use of decision sciences to improve medical decision making at Mass General.

Embedded versus Consultative Decision Analysis
This is a writeup for the session "Embedded Decision Analysis" chaired by David Matheson at DAAG 2014 in Boston. Date of Session: Mar 27, 2014. Session No: 2.

Decision Analysis Applied to Volumes of Decisions
This is a writeup for the talk "Decision Analysis Applied to Volumes of Decisions " presented by Paul Wicker at DAAG 2014 in Boston. Date of Session: Mar 27, 2014. Session No: 3.

Stranger in a Strange Land: Decision Support Techniques on the Project Management Planet
This is a writeup for the talk "Stranger in a Strange Land: Decision Support Techniques on the Project Management Planet " presented by Bill Haskett at DAAG 2014 in Boston. Date of Session: Mar 27, 2014. Session No: 3.

All is Never Really Said and Done: Actively Navigating Benefit and Risk
Presented by Marilyn Metcalf (GlaxoSmithKline) at 2013 DAAG Conference in Austin. Discussion of assessing and managing benefit versus risk.

Enterprise Strategic Risk: Linking ERM to Financial Performance Management
Presented by Bonnie K. Ray (IBM) at 2013 DAAG Conference in Austin. Discussion of how Strategic Risks present the largest ERM challenge due to scarcity of data and difficulties in translating from risk to business impact.

What does Decision Analytics mean for Decision Analysts?
This is the summary of a session co-chaired by Somik Raha and Jack Kloeber DAAG 2013, Austin, Texas. Date of Session: Apr 12, 2013. Session No: 5.

Climate Change and Climate Engineering
Presented by Eric Bickel (University of Texas) at 2013 DAAG Conference in Austin. Application of Decision Analysis to decisions about pursuing climate engineering for addressing climate change.

Is This Thing Safe? Decision Analysis in Consumer Product Safety
Presented by Jeremy Jokinen (Johnson & Johnson) at 2013 DAAG Conference in Austin. Discussion of methods including surveillance for ensuring that released products are safe.

Not-for-Profit Strategic Planning: A Junior Achievement Case Study
Presented by Bill Klimack (Chevron) at 2013 DAAG Conference in Austin. Application of Decision Analysis to decisions about how to attract and retain volunteers.

Facilitating Choices: Teaching the System to Change Without Resistance
Presented by Sharon Drew Morgen (Morgen Facilitations) at 2013 DAAG Conference in Austin. These talks explores the human side of decision-making and introduce perspectives that are complementary to decision analysis and have a proven record for success in business.

Facilitating Choices: Teaching the System to Change Without Resistance
Presented by Gerald Bush at 2013 DAAG Conference in Austin. These talks explores the human side of decision-making and introduce perspectives that are complementary to decision analysis and have a proven record for success in business.

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