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SDP Hero Awards

Pioneer Award

The most prestigious SDP Award, reserved to those who made indelible contributions over an extended period of time that helps the profession of DA take root, develop its core practices, and extend its utility to new areas.

Past Pioneer Recipients

  • 2024 | Tom Keelin | For indelible contributions spanning multiple decades that have supported the growth of DQ as a profession; for developing and publishing new DQ core practices that won wide adoption across multiple industries; for inventing the metalog distributions, as well as their use in Bayesian inference, which has greatly extended the utility of Bayesian methods in practical decision-making 
  • 2023 | Larry Neal, Frank Koch and Brian Putt
  • 2022 | Bruce Judd
  • 2021 |  Larry Phillips
  • 2020 |  Howard Raffia and Ralph Keeney 
  • 2019 |  Ron Howard and Jim Matheson
  • 2018 |  Carl Spetzler

Distinguished Service Award 

Awarded to those who exemplify the spirit of giving back to SDP through their contribution to building, strengthening, and improving the society.

The first recipient of this award will be announced at the 2025 SDP Conference.


Community Service Award 

Honoring selfless and durable contributions, through charitable service, to advancing societal progress through better decision making in civic, governmental, youth, and nonprofit domains.

 The first recipient of this award will be announced at the 2025 SDP Conference.

Early Career Excellence Award 

Given to individuals who, at an early stage in their career, have shown effort and dedication to the field of decision making, have contributed powerful new concepts or methods to the profession, or have applied its principles with excellence within their own organization.

Past Pioneer Recipients

  • 2024 | Jisha Bhattacharjee | Jisha Bhattacharjee is a Development Planner at ExxonMobil, performs techno-commercial assessments of strategic choices to enable investment decisions. She developed her zeal for DQ with complex low carbon prospects and currently supports the Uncon portfolio. 


Inspirational Achievement Award 

Awarded for an inspirational achievement in the profession of decision quality that has resulted in transformative outcomes or widespread adoption, stemming from impact through implementation or innovation. Such an achievement should result in substantial impact, inspire others, and exemplify the mission of the Society in action.

Past Pioneer Recipients

  • 2024 | Sandy Wrobel | Fortunate to have lived a 40-year career full of memorable experiences, great lessons learned, immense professional and personal growth, and best of all, working alongside amazingly talented colleagues who are even better human beings. My lifelong mission to repay my good fortune is to pay it forward by doing my part to help others achieve their full potential. 



Retired Awards

Volunteer of the Year Award (Renamed to Community Service Award)

Honoring selfless and durable contributions, through charitable service, to advancing societal progress through better decision making in civic, governmental, youth, and nonprofit domains.

Past Volunteer Recipients

  • 2023 | Matt Gorman
  • 2022 | Pat Leach
  • 2021 |  Lee Failing, Robin Gregory and Graham Long
  • 2020 |  Jay Andersen
  • 2019 |  Tim Nieman
  • 2018 |  Frank Koch


Recruiter of the Year Award

Honoring accomplishments in expanding the SDP member family, or sponsoring organizations.

Past Recruiter Recipients

  • 2023 | Victoria Hemming and Trygve Botn & Norway Conference Team
  • 2022 | Shona Bernard Chandler
  • 2021 |  Ellen Coopersmith and the Decision Frameworks Team
  • 2020 |  John Mauer and Somik Raha
  • 2019 | Andrew Thrift and Basil Stumborg
  • 2018 |  Jeremy Walker and Craig McKnight



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