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Shared Decision Making Summit








Patient Focus and Involvement

At the heart of Shared Decision Making is a desire to help patients make the best treatment decision possible.  Hence, we want patients involved in the Summit.  There are two options for patients and patient advocates to weigh in:

Attend Medicine X

  • MedX is the world's leading patient-centered health tech conference, helping people create a shared vision of collaborative and participatory medicine of tomorrow
  • At MedX in 2015, 700+ delegates from 60+ countries helped create 200,000,000 social media impressions
  • Join the Shared Decision Making workshop on 15 Sep, which gives participants a taste of SDM and asks for their input on the Summit topics
  • Two weeks later, ideas and feedback from the MedX workshop will be shared and discussed at the Summit

Attend the Summit

  • Summit topics are more of a starting point for disucssion, than prescribed presentations, so there is an opportunity to directly influence where the discussion goes
  • Commensurate with the Summit theme, many attendees will be pharma leaders, complemented by other healthcare stakeholder groups (physicians, hospitals, payers, patients, etc)
  • To better enable Summit attendance, the Patients Involved Grant Program was created  - see below for details


Patients Involved Grant Program

The program operates as follows:

      • Each attendee from an industry organization may submit 2 names of patients or patient advocates into a pool
      • SDP will determine how many grants are available and provide funds to SMDM
      • SMDM will select up to 5 names from the pool and coordinate the grant benefits

Grant benefits include:

      • Summit registration fee waiver
      • Complimentary lodging and meals
      • Travel reimbursement


Grant Program Nominations

If you are an industry representative and will be attending the Summit, you may nominate 2 patients / patient advocates to receive a grant.  To edit a previous nomination, simply resubmit.  You may submit as many times as you like; only your last submission will be used.

Attendee Information 


Patient / Patient Advocate Nominee

Patient / Patient Advocate Nominee
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