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SDP Presidents' Town Hall

Pat Leach - SDP President; Independent Strategy Consultant, Leslie Lippard - SDP Vice President/President-Elect; Senior Director, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Jim Driscoll - SDP Past-President; Center for Decision Leadership, Intel.
March 10, 2020

Abstract: SDP’s Town Hall during which our presidents present the society’s strategic plan and direction. Pat Leach (SDP President), Leslie Lippard (SDP President-Elect) and Jim Driscoll (SDP Past-President) provide a concise understanding of where we are and the actions we plan to take to expand our impact as we grow as a sustainable society.

Click on the file below to hear a sample of the presentation.  

Click here for access to the full video.

SDP membership is required for access to this webinar.

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