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Decision Professionals and Decision Professors: Synergies and Opportunities between Practitioners, Academics and Organizations

Leslie Lippard, SDP President, and Senior Director, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals. Emanuele Borgonovo, DAS President, and Professor, Bocconi University, Italy.
January 13, 2021 (Invited Talk)

Abstract: Decision Analysts face an increasing number of new problems. Some of these problems require new approaches, either tailored as specific solutions or at the creation of methodologies that apply to a vast class of problems. One key challenge we often face is how to leverage the theoretical vs the practical. The Society of Decision Professionals and the Decision Analysis Society’s common strengths and abilities have the potential to create synergies and tailor decision analysis to the new challenges ahead. How can we work together, exploit the best of what each can bring, so that we create maximum impact? This is the focus of our discussion and we welcome your thoughts and contributions during the registration process as well as during the live webinar in addressing these questions.

Click on the file below to hear a sample of the presentation.  

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SDP membership is not required for access to this webinar.

Keywords: implementation of DA implda, value of da valueda

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